Eco-Minded natutal oil store offers cold pressed oil, wide range of natural oils, as well as organic essential oils, cedarwood essential oil, non-gmo, made on wooden presses (no contact with metal) Please place an order!
Do you know that cold-pressed natural oils are much more beneficial for your health than any other oils? Because they retain healthy antioxidants that are otherwise damaged by being exposed to heat. They are also rich in vitamin E, which has anti-inflammatory healing effect and highly valued for the power of healing by alternative medicine schools. We are offering cold pressed oil, organic oil, wide range of natural oils, as well as organic essential oils, cedarwood essential oil, non-gmo, made on wooden presses (no contact with metal) Please place an order!
The video below is showing the process of making cold-pressed oils with the use of wooden press-barrels:
100 % virgin cold-pressed in wooden press-barrels cedar nut oil pressed from unshelled (!) Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Packed in a special plastic food bottle, (500 ml) The oil is brownish or light in colour..
100 % organic oil, cold pressed oil, extracted (on wooden presses) of Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Packed in 2 special plastic food bottles, 500 ml each. To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read t..
100 % virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read these articles: Cedar Oil in Natural Medicine. Cedar Oil in ..
100 % virgin cold-pressed in wooden press-barrels cedar nut oil pressed from unshelled (!) Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Packed in a special plastic food bottle, (500 ml) The oil is brownish or light in colour..
100 % virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Packed in a special plastic food bottle, (500 ml) To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read ..
Cedar nuts press cake is produced as a by-product of cedar nut cold pressed oil extraction. Cedar nuts press cake contains less oil but have the same taste as original cedar nuts, may be well used for cooking. Cedar nuts are praised thro..
Order one of the best natural oils for natural skin care in our natural oil store Organic Chia seed cold pressed oil is suitable for all skin types, especially for dry/flaky, sensitive, and mature, aging skin. This oil is used a lot for natural ..
Order one of the best natural oils for natural skin care in our natural oil store Organic Chia seed oil is suitable for all skin types, especially for dry/flaky, sensitive, and mature, aging skin. This oil improves elasticity, tone, and it encou..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Cold pressed hemp oil contains 20 amino acids, with 8 essential ones, like Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Also contains vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E, ..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Organic cold pressed hemp oil contains 20 amino acids, with 8 essential ones, like Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Also contains vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, ..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Cold pressed linseed oil nutrition facts from Wiki..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store: pumpkin seed oil, organic, cold pressed. Study-proven uses for pumpkin seed oil include lowering cholesterol, easing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) i..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store: pumpkin seed oil, organic, cold pressed. Study-proven uses for pumpkin seed oil include lowering cholesterol, easing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) i..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. The oil contains 50 mg% of carotinoids. Since ancient times Slavic peoples knew about the healing power of sea buckthorn oil. The sea buckthorn fruit contains organic ..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. The oil contains 50mg% of carotinoids. Since ancient times Slavic peoples knew about the healing power of sea buckthorn oil. The sea buckthorn fruit contains organic a..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Sesame seeds are very tasty themselves. Apparently, many centuries ago this fact contributed to the large-scale cultivation of this plant and later - to production of s..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Sesame seeds are very tasty themselves. Apparently, many centuries ago this fact contributed to the large-scale cultivation of this plant and later - to production of s..
Sesame seeds press cake is produced as a by-product of organic cold pressed sesame oil extraction. Order one of the best raw living foods in our natural oil store! Great for cooking...
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Walnut oil is rich in the omega-3 fatty acid ALA and other unsaturated fatty acids, as well as ellagitannins and other polyphenol compounds that act as antioxidants.&nb..
Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Walnut oil is rich in the omega-3 fatty acid ALA and other unsaturated fatty acids, as well as ellagitannins and other polyphenol compounds that act as antioxidants.&nb..
Walnut press cake is produced as a by-product of cold pressed walnut oil extraction. Order one of the best raw living foods in our natural oil store! Great for cooking!..
Get 2 litres wooden enclosure to make the best natural oils (cold pressed oil) - in our natural oil store. Includes plywood bottom, plywood piston, ash wood barrel/cask secured by 2 steel hoops, wooden drain pipe and a special filter ba..
Get 3 litres wooden enclosure to make the best natural oils (cold pressed oil) - in our natural oil store. Includes plywood bottom, plywood piston, ash wood barrel/cask secured by 2 steel hoops, wooden drain pipe and a special filter ba..
Get 6 litres wooden enclosure to make the best natural oils (cold pressed oil) - in our natural oil store. It is the best Includes plywood bottom, plywood piston, ash wood barrel/cask secured by 2 steel hoops, wooden drain pipe and..
Name | Description | Model | Price |
Cedar nut oil, 1000 ml, for healing | 100 % virgin cold-pressed in wooden press-barrels cedar nut oil pressed from unshelled (!) Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Packed in a special plastic food bottle, (500 ml) The oil is brownish or light in colour.. | 492_2 |
$111.00 |
Cedar nut oil, 1000 ml, plastic bottle | 100 % organic oil, cold pressed oil, extracted (on wooden presses) of Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Packed in 2 special plastic food bottles, 500 ml each. To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read t.. | 493 |
$157.00 |
Cedar nut oil, 250 ml | 100 % virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read these articles: Cedar Oil in Natural Medicine. Cedar Oil in .. | 453 |
$51.00 |
Cedar nut oil, 500 ml, for healing | 100 % virgin cold-pressed in wooden press-barrels cedar nut oil pressed from unshelled (!) Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Packed in a special plastic food bottle, (500 ml) The oil is brownish or light in colour.. | 492_1 |
$59.00 |
Cedar nut oil, 500 ml, plastic bottle | 100 % virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Packed in a special plastic food bottle, (500 ml) To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read .. | 492 |
$87.00 |
Cedar nuts press cake, 400 g | Cedar nuts press cake is produced as a by-product of cedar nut cold pressed oil extraction. Cedar nuts press cake contains less oil but have the same taste as original cedar nuts, may be well used for cooking. Cedar nuts are praised thro.. | 78 |
$26.00 |
Chia seed oil, 100 ml | Order one of the best natural oils for natural skin care in our natural oil store Organic Chia seed cold pressed oil is suitable for all skin types, especially for dry/flaky, sensitive, and mature, aging skin. This oil is used a lot for natural .. | 458 |
$21.50 |
Chia seed oil, 250 ml | Order one of the best natural oils for natural skin care in our natural oil store Organic Chia seed oil is suitable for all skin types, especially for dry/flaky, sensitive, and mature, aging skin. This oil improves elasticity, tone, and it encou.. | 459 |
$40.00 |
Hemp seed oil, 100 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Cold pressed hemp oil contains 20 amino acids, with 8 essential ones, like Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Also contains vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E, .. | 446 |
$16.00 |
Hemp seed oil, 250 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Organic cold pressed hemp oil contains 20 amino acids, with 8 essential ones, like Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Also contains vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, .. | 454 |
$33.00 |
Linseed oil, 250 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Cold pressed linseed oil nutrition facts from Wiki.. | 449 |
$16.00 |
Pumpkin seed oil, 100 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store: pumpkin seed oil, organic, cold pressed. Study-proven uses for pumpkin seed oil include lowering cholesterol, easing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) i.. | 99 |
$15.00 |
Pumpkin seed oil, 250 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store: pumpkin seed oil, organic, cold pressed. Study-proven uses for pumpkin seed oil include lowering cholesterol, easing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) i.. | 452 |
$33.00 |
Sea Buckthorn oil, 100 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. The oil contains 50 mg% of carotinoids. Since ancient times Slavic peoples knew about the healing power of sea buckthorn oil. The sea buckthorn fruit contains organic .. | 52 |
$13.50 |
Sea Buckthorn oil, 250 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. The oil contains 50mg% of carotinoids. Since ancient times Slavic peoples knew about the healing power of sea buckthorn oil. The sea buckthorn fruit contains organic a.. | 451 |
$28.00 |
Sesame oil, 250 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Sesame seeds are very tasty themselves. Apparently, many centuries ago this fact contributed to the large-scale cultivation of this plant and later - to production of s.. | 450 |
$27.00 |
Sesame oil,100 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Sesame seeds are very tasty themselves. Apparently, many centuries ago this fact contributed to the large-scale cultivation of this plant and later - to production of s.. | 73 |
$12.00 |
Sesame press cake, 200 g | Sesame seeds press cake is produced as a by-product of organic cold pressed sesame oil extraction. Order one of the best raw living foods in our natural oil store! Great for cooking... | 92 |
$6.00 |
Walnut oil, 100 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Walnut oil is rich in the omega-3 fatty acid ALA and other unsaturated fatty acids, as well as ellagitannins and other polyphenol compounds that act as antioxidants.&nb.. | 447 |
$14.00 |
Walnut oil, 250 ml | Order one of the best natural oils (raw superfood) in our natural oil store. Walnut oil is rich in the omega-3 fatty acid ALA and other unsaturated fatty acids, as well as ellagitannins and other polyphenol compounds that act as antioxidants.&nb.. | 448 |
$31.00 |
Walnut press cake, 200 g | Walnut press cake is produced as a by-product of cold pressed walnut oil extraction. Order one of the best raw living foods in our natural oil store! Great for cooking!.. | 91 |
$8.50 |
Wooden press-barrel, 2 litres | Get 2 litres wooden enclosure to make the best natural oils (cold pressed oil) - in our natural oil store. Includes plywood bottom, plywood piston, ash wood barrel/cask secured by 2 steel hoops, wooden drain pipe and a special filter ba.. | 517 |
$160.00 |
Wooden press-barrel, 3 litres | Get 3 litres wooden enclosure to make the best natural oils (cold pressed oil) - in our natural oil store. Includes plywood bottom, plywood piston, ash wood barrel/cask secured by 2 steel hoops, wooden drain pipe and a special filter ba.. | 518 |
$190.00 |
Wooden press-barrel, 6 litres | Get 6 litres wooden enclosure to make the best natural oils (cold pressed oil) - in our natural oil store. It is the best Includes plywood bottom, plywood piston, ash wood barrel/cask secured by 2 steel hoops, wooden drain pipe and.. | 519 |
$225.00 |
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