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$US Dollar
SOL magazine

SOL magazine

Back issue collection of Space of Love magazine (SOL magazine) was publishing from September 2008 to November 2012 (13 issues in total) as a source of news and views, a space of inspiration and a guide in co-creating a Global Space of Love.

It was inspired by the incredible wisdom and vision of a young, beautiful recluse living in the wild of the Siberian Taiga, Anastasia, and a courageous business-man-turned-author, Vladimir Megre (described in the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series).

The mission was to share writings and ideas which help humanity to transform the inspiring vision of a planet full of literal and metaphoric Spaces of Love into millions of small plots of self-sustaining Family Food Gardens, little paradises, all over the planet. 

Covering wide range of vitally important topics, from Eco-village living and Permaculture to forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, most of the articles published in the back issues are timeless and still relevant to eco-village people, off the grid and sustainable communities, as well as to those interested in spiritual development and alternative education.

Click on the link to get SOL magazine Issue #1 for FREE !

SOL magazine, issue # 1

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 10

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 11

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 12

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 13

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 2

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 3

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 4

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 5

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 6

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 7

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 8

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, issue # 9

Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. ..


SOL magazine, set of 13 issues SOL magazine, set of 13 issues

Space of Love magazine (SOL magazine) was publishing from September 2008 to November 2012 (13 issues) as a source of news and views, a space of inspiration and a guide in co-creating a Global Space of Love. It was inspired by the incredible wisd..


Name Description Model Price
SOL magazine, issue # 1 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 534


SOL magazine, issue # 10 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 544


SOL magazine, issue # 11 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 545


SOL magazine, issue # 12 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 546


SOL magazine, issue # 13 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 547


SOL magazine, issue # 2 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 536


SOL magazine, issue # 3 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 537


SOL magazine, issue # 4 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 538


SOL magazine, issue # 5 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 539


SOL magazine, issue # 6 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 540


SOL magazine, issue # 7 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 541


SOL magazine, issue # 8 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 542


SOL magazine, issue # 9 Eco-village living and Permaculture, forgotten ancestral knowledge and non-conventional education, spiritual development and holistic health and more! The idea of the Space of Love Magazine was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series. .. 543


SOL magazine, set of 13 issues Space of Love magazine (SOL magazine) was publishing from September 2008 to November 2012 (13 issues) as a source of news and views, a space of inspiration and a guide in co-creating a Global Space of Love. It was inspired by the incredible wisd.. 535


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