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$US Dollar
Cedar nuts

Cedar nuts

Siberian cedar is a common name for Pinus Sibirica. Cedar nuts grown in the wilderness of Siberian taiga are praised throughout the world as a nutritious healthy snack and essential ingredient in multiple oriental and Mediterranean dishes. In fact, cedar nuts are so nutritious they have been the staple in diet of many Native American tribes and indigenous people of Siberia. There are over 20 cedar tree species in the world producing cedar nuts, of which the cedar nuts of Siberian cedar (or Siberian pine, Pinus Sibirica) are recognized as the most nutritious, raw superfood. 

Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) has proven holistic healing properties and nutritional values as raw living foods. Eco-Minded natural remedy store  offers organic Siberian cedar nuts, Far East cedar nuts, in shell and peeled, cedar presscakes.

50 cedar seeds for free 50 cedar seeds for free

HOMETOWN ECOBOMB - what a great initiative, started a few years ago and developing in so many countires of the world now. Thousands of people are planting cedar trees in the city parks and gardens, in school yards, in their home back yards! ..


Cedar nuts  in shell, 500 g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) in shell, 0,5 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section ..


Cedar nuts (Far East) 100 g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,1 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Koraie..


Cedar nuts (Far East) 250 g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,25 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Koraiensis..


Cedar nuts (Far East) 450 g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,45 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Korai..


Cedar nuts in shell, 1000 g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) in shell, 1,0 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section   ..


Cedar nuts press cake, 400 g

Cedar nuts press cake is produced as a by-product of cedar nut cold pressed oil extraction. Cedar nuts press cake contains less oil but have the same taste as original cedar nuts, may be well used for cooking. Cedar nuts are praised thro..


Cedar nuts, peeled 1 kg

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) peeled, 1,0 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section  Cedar nuts are praised throughou..


Cedar nuts, peeled, 100g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) peeled, 0,1 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section  Cedar nuts are praised throughou..


Cedar seed cone Cedar seed cone

Order fresh Cedar cone (Siberian pine cone) ready for germination in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Siberian Cedars (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section  For germination purpos..


Far East cedar cone Far East cedar cone

Order fresh Far East Cedar cone ready for germination in our natural remedy store. It is also a beautiful souvenir.  Length may vary: 12 - 16 cm. The seeds are alive and may be used for planting. Latin name: Pinus Koraiensis. Othe..


Cedar nuts flour, 200 g

Cedar nuts flour is made by grinding cedar nuts presscake. Cedar nuts press cake is produced as a by-product of cedar nut cold pressed oil extraction. Cedar nuts press cake contains less oil but have the same taste as orig..


Cedar nuts press cake, 200 g Cedar nuts press cake, 200 g

Cedar nuts press cake is produced as a by-product of cedar nut cold pressed oil extraction. Cedar nuts press cake contains less oil but have the same taste as original cedar nuts, may be well used for cooking. Cedar nuts are praised thro..


Name Description Model Price
50 cedar seeds for free HOMETOWN ECOBOMB - what a great initiative, started a few years ago and developing in so many countires of the world now. Thousands of people are planting cedar trees in the city parks and gardens, in school yards, in their home back yards! .. 17


Cedar nuts in shell, 500 g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) in shell, 0,5 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section .. 4


Cedar nuts (Far East) 100 g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,1 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Koraie.. 70


Cedar nuts (Far East) 250 g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,25 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Koraiensis.. 71


Cedar nuts (Far East) 450 g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,45 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Korai.. 72


Cedar nuts in shell, 1000 g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) in shell, 1,0 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section   .. 2


Cedar nuts press cake, 400 g Cedar nuts press cake is produced as a by-product of cedar nut cold pressed oil extraction. Cedar nuts press cake contains less oil but have the same taste as original cedar nuts, may be well used for cooking. Cedar nuts are praised thro.. 78


Cedar nuts, peeled 1 kg Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) peeled, 1,0 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section  Cedar nuts are praised throughou.. 77


Cedar nuts, peeled, 100g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) peeled, 0,1 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section  Cedar nuts are praised throughou.. 622


Cedar seed cone Order fresh Cedar cone (Siberian pine cone) ready for germination in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Siberian Cedars (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section  For germination purpos.. 356


Far East cedar cone Order fresh Far East Cedar cone ready for germination in our natural remedy store. It is also a beautiful souvenir.  Length may vary: 12 - 16 cm. The seeds are alive and may be used for planting. Latin name: Pinus Koraiensis. Othe.. 621


Cedar nuts flour, 200 g Cedar nuts flour is made by grinding cedar nuts presscake. Cedar nuts press cake is produced as a by-product of cedar nut cold pressed oil extraction. Cedar nuts press cake contains less oil but have the same taste as orig.. 78_2


Cedar nuts press cake, 200 g Cedar nuts press cake is produced as a by-product of cedar nut cold pressed oil extraction. Cedar nuts press cake contains less oil but have the same taste as original cedar nuts, may be well used for cooking. Cedar nuts are praised thro.. 78_1


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