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$US Dollar
Cedar products

Cedar products

Siberian cedar is a common name for Pinus Sibirica. Eco-Minded natural oil store offers wide selection of cedar nuts, cedar organic oil, cedar essential oil, cedar handmade craft and other custom cedar products. This product line was inspired by the Ringing Cedars of Russia book series by Vladimir Megre.

Cedar nuts are praised throughout the world as a nutritious healthy snack and essential ingredient in multiple oriental and Mediterranean dishes. In fact, cedar nuts are so nutritious they have been the staple in diet of many Native American tribes and indigenous people of Siberia. There are over 20 cedar tree species in the world producing cedar nuts, of which the cedar nuts of Siberian cedar (or Siberian pine, Pinus Sibirica) are recognized as the most nutritious. 

Refine Search

50 cedar seeds for free 50 cedar seeds for free

HOMETOWN ECOBOMB - what a great initiative, started a few years ago and developing in so many countires of the world now. Thousands of people are planting cedar trees in the city parks and gardens, in school yards, in their home back yards! ..


Anesthetic Massage Cream / chaga (RCoR), 30 ml Anesthetic Massage Cream / chaga (RCoR), 30 ml

Bio cosmetics: Anesthetic massage cream with chaga, contains 100% natural ingredients.  Action: Ease the pain during a massage, is suitable for treatment of injuries, sprains and inflammatory processes, reduced or increased muscle tones.&nb..


Available Options

Casket dome Casket dome


Beautiful handmade craft from Russia. Material: Pinus Sibirica wood or Siberian Cedar, Siberian Pine Variety of sizes: The cost depends on the size (diameter). Height: 5-5.5 cm D: 6.5 cm - 9.0 USD  D: 8.0 cm - 10.5 USD&nbs..


Available Options

Casket figured

Beautiful handmade craft from Russia. Material: Pinus Sibirica wood or Siberian Cedar, Siberian Pine Variety of sizes: The cost depends on the size (diameter). Height: 5-5.5 cm D: 6.5 cm - 9.0 USD  D: 8.0 cm - 10.5 US..


Available Options

Casket flat


Beautiful handmade craft from Russia. Material: Pinus Sibirica wood or Siberian Cedar, Siberian Pine Variety of sizes: The cost depends on the size (diameter). Height: 5-5.5 cm D: 6.5 cm - 9.0 USD  D: 8.0 cm - 10.5 ..


Casket spinning top Casket spinning top

Casket with spinning top. Beautiful handmade craft from Russia. Material: Pinus Sibirica wood or Siberian Cedar, Siberian Pine. The pin is made of Burch wood Size of the spinning top: 8 x 7 cm Size of the casket: 10 x 5 cm  ..


Cedar bowl 10 cm Cedar bowl 10 cm

Beautiful, warm and nice to the feel handmade craft made of Siberian cedar wood will bring you back to our Prisitne Origins when we all stayed close to Nature and it gave us back strength, light and health! Diameter: 10 cm, Height: 4.5 cm C..


Cedar chips pillow, 50x60 Cedar chips pillow, 50x60

Size: 50 x 60 cm Fiber: cotton 100% Filler: cedar (Pinus Sibirica) woodchips. Packing: zipped plastic bag. Cedar chips pillow has remarkable orthopedic properties. It is flexible enough to provide firm yet comfortable support to the ne..


Cedar nut film pillow, 50x60 Cedar nut film pillow, 50x60

Size: 50 x 60 cm Fiber: cotton 100% Filler: cedar nut films (Pinus Sibirica) 2 pillowcases: inner and upper. The upper pillowcase may be removed and washed. Packing: gift carton box. Cedar pillow has remarkable orthopedic properties. It is f..


Cedar nut oil (Radograd), 100 ml Cedar nut oil (Radograd), 100 ml

Know the power of healing of natural oils: get 100 ml of 100 % virgin cedar nut cold pressed oil made on wooden presses with Pinus Sibirica nuts.  To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read these articles: Cedar O..


Cedar nut oil (RCoR brand), 100 ml

100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in remote places of Siberian taiga. ..


Cedar nut oil / cedar resin 10%, 100 ml Cedar nut oil / cedar resin 10%, 100 ml

100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) mixed with cedar resin (10%). Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in remote..


Cedar nut oil / cedar resin 5%, 100 ml Cedar nut oil / cedar resin 5%, 100 ml

100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) mixed with with cedar resin (5%) Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in rem..


Cedar nut oil / propolis, 100 ml

100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) mixed with propolis.  Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in remote pl..


Cedar nut oil / sea buckthorn, 100 ml

100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) mixed with sea buckthorn. Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in remote pla..


Cedar nut oil, 1000 ml, for healing Cedar nut oil, 1000 ml, for healing

100 % virgin cold-pressed in wooden press-barrels cedar nut oil pressed from unshelled (!) Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  Packed in a special plastic food bottle,  (500 ml) The oil is brownish or light in colour..


Cedar nut oil, 1000 ml, plastic bottle Cedar nut oil, 1000 ml, plastic bottle

100 % organic oil, cold pressed oil, extracted (on wooden presses) of Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  Packed in 2 special plastic food bottles, 500 ml each. To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read t..


Cedar nut oil, 250 ml

100 % virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read these articles: Cedar Oil in Natural Medicine. Cedar Oil in ..


Cedar nut oil, 500 ml, for healing Cedar nut oil, 500 ml, for healing

100 % virgin cold-pressed in wooden press-barrels cedar nut oil pressed from unshelled (!) Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  Packed in a special plastic food bottle,  (500 ml) The oil is brownish or light in colour..


Cedar nut oil, 500 ml, plastic bottle Cedar nut oil, 500 ml, plastic bottle

100 % virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  Packed in a special plastic food bottle,  (500 ml) To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read ..


Cedar nuts  in shell, 500 g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) in shell, 0,5 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section ..


Cedar nuts (Far East) 100 g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,1 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Koraie..


Cedar nuts (Far East) 250 g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,25 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Koraiensis..


Cedar nuts (Far East) 450 g

Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,45 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Korai..


Name Description Model Price
50 cedar seeds for free HOMETOWN ECOBOMB - what a great initiative, started a few years ago and developing in so many countires of the world now. Thousands of people are planting cedar trees in the city parks and gardens, in school yards, in their home back yards! .. 17


Anesthetic Massage Cream / chaga (RCoR), 30 ml Bio cosmetics: Anesthetic massage cream with chaga, contains 100% natural ingredients.  Action: Ease the pain during a massage, is suitable for treatment of injuries, sprains and inflammatory processes, reduced or increased muscle tones.&nb.. 811


Casket dome Beautiful handmade craft from Russia. Material: Pinus Sibirica wood or Siberian Cedar, Siberian Pine Variety of sizes: The cost depends on the size (diameter). Height: 5-5.5 cm D: 6.5 cm - 9.0 USD  D: 8.0 cm - 10.5 USD&nbs.. 483


Casket figured Beautiful handmade craft from Russia. Material: Pinus Sibirica wood or Siberian Cedar, Siberian Pine Variety of sizes: The cost depends on the size (diameter). Height: 5-5.5 cm D: 6.5 cm - 9.0 USD  D: 8.0 cm - 10.5 US.. 485


Casket flat Beautiful handmade craft from Russia. Material: Pinus Sibirica wood or Siberian Cedar, Siberian Pine Variety of sizes: The cost depends on the size (diameter). Height: 5-5.5 cm D: 6.5 cm - 9.0 USD  D: 8.0 cm - 10.5 .. 484


Casket spinning top Casket with spinning top. Beautiful handmade craft from Russia. Material: Pinus Sibirica wood or Siberian Cedar, Siberian Pine. The pin is made of Burch wood Size of the spinning top: 8 x 7 cm Size of the casket: 10 x 5 cm  .. 485_1


Cedar bowl 10 cm Beautiful, warm and nice to the feel handmade craft made of Siberian cedar wood will bring you back to our Prisitne Origins when we all stayed close to Nature and it gave us back strength, light and health! Diameter: 10 cm, Height: 4.5 cm C.. 423


Cedar chips pillow, 50x60 Size: 50 x 60 cm Fiber: cotton 100% Filler: cedar (Pinus Sibirica) woodchips. Packing: zipped plastic bag. Cedar chips pillow has remarkable orthopedic properties. It is flexible enough to provide firm yet comfortable support to the ne.. 712


Cedar nut film pillow, 50x60 Size: 50 x 60 cm Fiber: cotton 100% Filler: cedar nut films (Pinus Sibirica) 2 pillowcases: inner and upper. The upper pillowcase may be removed and washed. Packing: gift carton box. Cedar pillow has remarkable orthopedic properties. It is f.. 713


Cedar nut oil (Radograd), 100 ml Know the power of healing of natural oils: get 100 ml of 100 % virgin cedar nut cold pressed oil made on wooden presses with Pinus Sibirica nuts.  To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read these articles: Cedar O.. 6


Cedar nut oil (RCoR brand), 100 ml 100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica). Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in remote places of Siberian taiga. .. 7


Cedar nut oil / cedar resin 10%, 100 ml 100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) mixed with cedar resin (10%). Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in remote.. 237


Cedar nut oil / cedar resin 5%, 100 ml 100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) mixed with with cedar resin (5%) Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in rem.. 236


Cedar nut oil / propolis, 100 ml 100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) mixed with propolis.  Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in remote pl.. 238


Cedar nut oil / sea buckthorn, 100 ml 100 ml of virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) mixed with sea buckthorn. Cedar nut oil of the Ringing Cedars of Russia brand is produced in ecologically pure environment in remote pla.. 239


Cedar nut oil, 1000 ml, for healing 100 % virgin cold-pressed in wooden press-barrels cedar nut oil pressed from unshelled (!) Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  Packed in a special plastic food bottle,  (500 ml) The oil is brownish or light in colour.. 492_2


Cedar nut oil, 1000 ml, plastic bottle 100 % organic oil, cold pressed oil, extracted (on wooden presses) of Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  Packed in 2 special plastic food bottles, 500 ml each. To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read t.. 493


Cedar nut oil, 250 ml 100 % virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read these articles: Cedar Oil in Natural Medicine. Cedar Oil in .. 453


Cedar nut oil, 500 ml, for healing 100 % virgin cold-pressed in wooden press-barrels cedar nut oil pressed from unshelled (!) Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  Packed in a special plastic food bottle,  (500 ml) The oil is brownish or light in colour.. 492_1


Cedar nut oil, 500 ml, plastic bottle 100 % virgin cold-pressed (on wooden presses) cedar nut oil made from Siberian cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica).  Packed in a special plastic food bottle,  (500 ml) To learn about properties and application of cedar nut oil please read .. 492


Cedar nuts in shell, 500 g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Siberian pine nuts) in shell, 0,5 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer section .. 4


Cedar nuts (Far East) 100 g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,1 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Koraie.. 70


Cedar nuts (Far East) 250 g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,25 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Koraiensis.. 71


Cedar nuts (Far East) 450 g Order raw living foods: Cedar nuts (Far East pine nuts) in shell, 0,45 kg in our natural remedy store. Learn about the power of healing of Cedar nuts (Pinus Sibirica) in our Cedar the Healer  section  Latin name: Pinus Korai.. 72


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