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$US Dollar
Beans and peas

Beans and peas

To Heirloom gardener: grow heirloom plants from organic non-gmo seeds: beans and peas from Russian ecovillages of Kins domains (family homesteads)

Beans "Red Hood"

10 seeds in a pack..


Beans Limskaya

Large flat seeds, 10 in a pack..


Beans Snow Queen

High-yielding variety of asparagus beans. The plant is tall, climbing (up to 150 cm high), requiring support. The beans are green, straight, 14 cm long, without a parchment layer and fiber. Seeds are white, excellent taste. This variety  diffe..


Beans Spring miracle

Early ripe variety of bush form. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 50-55 days. The plant is medium leafy, 45-50 cm high. The bean is green, 15-16 cm long, straight or slightly curved. Seeds are purple-black, elliptical shape. The..


Big beans climbing

Large flat seeds, 10 in a pack..


Black beans "Russian" Black beans "Russian"

12 seeds in each pack! These dark brown (almost black) color beans is legume bush plant. In Russia people often fry them slightly, grind them and make a drink like cofee. That's why it's common name in Russia "cofee beans" You c..


Castorbean (Ricinus communis) Castorbean (Ricinus communis)

This beautifull ornamental plant with big green leaves and green trunks grow well in warm climate and may reach upto 3-5 meters. Other names: mexico-seed, palmchrist, castor-oil plant, stedfast. 10 seeds in a pack. Caution: Raw see..




Bush type..


Common beans


Bush type General info about common beans here:


Flat peas (china)

Bush type Latin name: Láthyrus sativus More information about it here:  ..


Green pea, Voronezhskiy Green pea, Voronezhskiy

40-50 seeds in each pack! ..


Purple bush beans

Big size beans, bush type...


Red beans climbing Red beans climbing

Climbing type. Climbing type...


Retro Soybeans "Phora" Retro Soybeans "Phora"

20 seeds in each pack! Basic info about soybeans on Wiki:


Rumba beans Rumba beans


Small size beans, climbing type..


Snake beans (Vigna) Snake beans (Vigna)

Vigna asparagus (vegetable)..


Sugar pea (raw food)

Excellent for raw foodists!..


Sugar pea, high shrubs

High shrubs, upto 180 cm..


Swallow beans



White beans, sugar

Small size beans, bush type. Number of seeds in a pack: 20-30..


Zanzibar Castorbean Zanzibar Castorbean

This beautifull ornamental plant with big green leaves and red trunks grow well in warm climate and may reach upto 3-5 meters. Other names: mexico-seed, palmchrist, castor-oil plant, stedfast.  10 seeds in a pack. Caution..


Name Description Model Price
Beans "Red Hood" 10 seeds in a pack.. 561


Beans Limskaya Large flat seeds, 10 in a pack.. 366_1


Beans Snow Queen High-yielding variety of asparagus beans. The plant is tall, climbing (up to 150 cm high), requiring support. The beans are green, straight, 14 cm long, without a parchment layer and fiber. Seeds are white, excellent taste. This variety  diffe.. 24


Beans Spring miracle Early ripe variety of bush form. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 50-55 days. The plant is medium leafy, 45-50 cm high. The bean is green, 15-16 cm long, straight or slightly curved. Seeds are purple-black, elliptical shape. The.. 218


Big beans climbing Large flat seeds, 10 in a pack.. 366


Black beans "Russian" 12 seeds in each pack! These dark brown (almost black) color beans is legume bush plant. In Russia people often fry them slightly, grind them and make a drink like cofee. That's why it's common name in Russia "cofee beans" You c.. 144


Castorbean (Ricinus communis) This beautifull ornamental plant with big green leaves and green trunks grow well in warm climate and may reach upto 3-5 meters. Other names: mexico-seed, palmchrist, castor-oil plant, stedfast. 10 seeds in a pack. Caution: Raw see.. 62


Chickpeas Bush type.. 143


Common beans Bush type General info about common beans here: 145


Flat peas (china) Bush type Latin name: Láthyrus sativus More information about it here:  .. 147


Green pea, Voronezhskiy 40-50 seeds in each pack! .. 235


Purple bush beans Big size beans, bush type... 219


Red beans climbing Climbing type. Climbing type... 25


Retro Soybeans "Phora" 20 seeds in each pack! Basic info about soybeans on Wiki: 192


Rumba beans Small size beans, climbing type.. 27


Snake beans (Vigna) Vigna asparagus (vegetable).. 406


Sugar pea (raw food) Excellent for raw foodists!.. 246


Sugar pea, high shrubs High shrubs, upto 180 cm.. 246_1


Swallow beans .. 364


White beans, sugar Small size beans, bush type. Number of seeds in a pack: 20-30.. 220


Zanzibar Castorbean This beautifull ornamental plant with big green leaves and red trunks grow well in warm climate and may reach upto 3-5 meters. Other names: mexico-seed, palmchrist, castor-oil plant, stedfast.  10 seeds in a pack. Caution.. 560


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