Help the Smirnovs family to build a dream home

Famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said: "Happy is the one who is happy at home".
Yet life itself makes me to say: happy is the one who HAS a home. Happy is the one who has not been living at the brink of poverty and who has never been facing a choice: to buy some food for a day or to pay your child's school fees...
Man needs a home. What's more, a family needs a home. A home with a beautiful garden. It has been my dream for 20 years since fate brought me to New Zealand and a few years later - back to Russia. It has been our small family's dream over the past 8 years since I met Irina, my future wife and her daughter Polina. Yes, we have a shelter, but one can hardly call a rental housing a home. Especially considering that for these 8 years we changed our rental housing 5 times.
Years go by, we are getting older, our daughter is growing up, but the things have not moved an inch. No, we are not complaining, not loosing a hope to have our dream home and garden one day. Actually we never give up. We have not lost the ability to take any joy in life and we draw inspiration from the very process of life. We have learned that if you want to change the World be that change. So we are on our path of self-development also trying to bring good things to the people and to the rest of the world.
On my personal page you can read about my life path, my challanges, aspirations and my eco-minded projects. Among them there are translation and dubing of the DVD's about Russian eco-villages of Kin's domains, publishing of Space of Love magazine, organisation of Dolmen tours and Vedic Russia spiritual retreats and creation of Eco-Minded Club. I also wrote a book "The Prayer of Life" and a series of articles about land giveaway in Russia, Russian permaculture and organic gardening, Russian family homesteads and development of ecovillage movement in Russia. My recent article about president Putin and his contribution into the development of the country was published in New Dawn magazine (#187, July-August 2021)

My wife Irina is a passionate organic gardening enthusiast. Even on the rental land she created an absolutely beautiful flower garden (watch the videos below). She has also grown most of organic vegetables and greens for our table that are also the constant souce of heirloom seeds for our online store (photos).
For all these years we were fortunate to make many friends in different countries all over the World. And yet, no matter how hard we work, we can not save enough money to buy a land parcel where we can build a house and make a beautiful garden.
Now, remembering our Russian proverb: "Better a hundred friends than a hundred rubles", we decided to appeal to our friends and the people of kindred spirit all over the World with a call for help. After a careful consideration we set a goal to collect a sum of $35000 US through crowdfunding. According to our calculations it's a minimum amount to enable us to buy a little piece of rural land in Krasnodar region (about $15000 US) and to build the foundation, the walls and the roof of a small (6.0 x 7.0 m) 2-storey house (about $10000 US). Finishing the house and creation of organic garden will require another $10000 US .
And in the meantime we will keep doing good to people and the rest of the World. More eco-minded projects will come into reality, more inspiring and informative articles will be written, and of course, the whole process of our home and garden creation and development will be filmed and shared with our friends and contributors.
If you wish to help, please donate directly to Smirnov's family: click on Donate below. Your support matters!
You can also help a lot if you share this page link with your friends and mailing lists and in social networks.