Psychic Readings from Dolmen Sages

Introduction to Psychic Readings
Psychic readings have fascinated humanity for centuries, offering a glimpse into the unknown and providing guidance, clarity, and insight into life’s most pressing questions. If you’ve ever heard the term but aren’t quite sure what it entails, you’re not alone. Psychic readings are a form of divination or intuitive practice where a psychic, or intuitive reader, uses their heightened senses or spiritual connection to their spiritual guides to provide information, advice, or predictions about a person’s life, relationships, career, or future.
One of the most common misconceptions about psychic readings is that they are solely about predicting the future. While some psychics may offer glimpses of potential outcomes, the primary purpose of a reading is often to provide clarity and guidance in the present moment. A good psychic reading can help you understand your current situation, uncover hidden obstacles, the reasons of your life problems and explore possible paths forward.
In a world where uncertainty is a constant, psychic readings offer a unique way to seek answers, find comfort, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your journey. Whether you’re curious, skeptical, or simply looking for a new perspective, a psychic reading can be a fascinating and enlightening experience. Just remember: the power to shape your life ultimately lies within you—psychic insights are simply tools to help you navigate the path ahead.
A good example of a psychic reading may be a message I got in 2008 from Ascended teacher El Morya with the help of my clairvoyant friend Viktorya Ivchenko. El Morya is one of Mahatmas and Masters of Ansient Wisdom who inspired the founding of Theosophical Society by E.P. Blavatskaya in 1875.
What are the Dolmen Sages?

The Dolmens are megalithic structures built by Vedic civilization about 10 thousand years ago. They are found in many countries worldwide. But they are most numerous (about 10 thousand) in the Northern Caucasus, in a rather narrow strip along the coast of the Black Sea.
The Dolmen Sages, first mentioned in the series of books by Vladimir Megre "The Ringing Cedars of Russia", are described by Anastasia, the heroine of the series as wise spirit-beings attached to the dolmen-structures for thousands of years with the purpose to keep wisdom, images and feelings of Pristine Origins for future generations. Please feel free to learn more about them by reading the RCoR series.
As a part of this spiritual insight we offer the Stones of Wisdom for divine guidence.
For the last 25-30 years the dolmens of Northern Caucasus have been visited by millions of people in search for wisdom and answers to important life questions. Sometimes among those who visit the dolmens there were people with special abilities, clairvoyants, channelers, who have come into deeper and more detailed contact with the spirits of the dolmen sages connected to these ancients stone structures and who can serve as conductors of what Anastasia calls “pristine” wisdom and the immense knowledge that the dolmen sages seem to be ready to share. Some of them wrote books based on their experience: "Communication with Dolmen Sages"
Psychic Reading from Dolmen Sages

In today’s fast-paced world, filled with daily hustle and bustle, as well as various challenges and circumstances, it can be incredibly difficult for a modern person to uncover their true purpose on Earth and to understand the obstacles that prevent them from living a fulfilling and happy life.
Herewith we are offering you Psychic readings from Dolmen Sages provided by my clairvoyant friend Natalya the Sunny. Here is what Natalya tells about herself:
"From the moment I was born, my grandmother passed on to me the gift of clairvoyance. I didn’t know what to do with it, and often it simply disrupted my peace. When I first visited the dolmens in 2003, my initial request to them was to take away this clairvoyance.
Over the following years, as I delved into various spiritual practices and explored esoteric knowledge, I came to understand my true purpose. When I returned to the dolmens in 2010, I asked them to restore my clairvoyant abilities. My gift returned to me in a different form — clairvoyance now activates on demand. I began to open the information flow only during my work with dolmens, allowing me to live my daily life as an "ordinary person".
At first, I worked only on my personal issues (and there were many, considering my family’s karma). Over time, friends and acquaintances, noticing the profound changes in my own life — both in terms of destiny and health — began to seek my assistance. Word of mouth spread, and as people from all corners of Russia and even beyond started reaching out to me, I realized it was time to fully embrace and utilize my Gift."
How to Order a Dolmen Sage Reading
To order a Reading please send us your high quality photograph (better 2-3 or more) and tell us about the problems you want to resolve or/and ask your questions using the contact details below. Within a few days you will get a reply (in English) from Natalya providing you a Dolmen sages insight to your life problems and answering your questions. Please don't be surprized if the answers will differ from what you expected. :) And of course, you can ask additional questions later if you want to clarify things.
Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp: +79965357263
An average cost of a Reading is 100 USD however it may be a bit more or less depending on the number of questions you want to ask. To make a payment for Reading please select one of the payment options here .
Meet Natalya the Sunny, a gifted clairvoyant and channeler who serves as a bridge to the profound wisdom of the Dolmen sages.
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