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Urbech pastes

Urbech pastes

Order raw vegan food online:  urbech pastes one of the best raw superfood. Wide range of raw living foods is also available in our vegan online store.

Almond urbech / honey, 250 g Almond urbech / honey, 250 g

Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more calcium..


Apricot kernel urbech / honey, 250 g Apricot kernel urbech / honey, 250 g

Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca..


Assorted nuts urbech / honey, 250 g Assorted nuts urbech / honey, 250 g

Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more calcium..


Hazelnut urbech / honey, 250 g Hazelnut urbech / honey, 250 g

Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more calcium..


Linseed urbech / honey, 250 g Linseed urbech / honey, 250 g

Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca..


Peanut urbech / honey, 250 g Peanut urbech / honey, 250 g

Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca..


Pumpkin seed urbech / honey, 250 g Pumpkin seed urbech / honey, 250 g

Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca..


Walnut urbech / honey, 250 g Walnut urbech / honey, 250 g

Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca..


Name Description Model Price
Almond urbech / honey, 250 g Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more calcium.. 806


Apricot kernel urbech / honey, 250 g Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca.. 800


Assorted nuts urbech / honey, 250 g Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more calcium.. 805


Hazelnut urbech / honey, 250 g Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more calcium.. 806


Linseed urbech / honey, 250 g Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca.. 803


Peanut urbech / honey, 250 g Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca.. 801


Pumpkin seed urbech / honey, 250 g Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca.. 804


Walnut urbech / honey, 250 g Originally from Dagestan, urbech is a 100% natural paste made of ground raw seeds and nuts. There is no thermal treatment of the paste, so it retains all the raw goodness of the products. Urbech contains more protein than meat and more ca.. 802


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