Russia Offers Simplified Residency for Foreigners Rejecting Western Ideologies

Ok, here is the game changer: Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on August 19th, 2024 simplifying and expediting residency permits for foreigners seeking political asylum due to opposing ideological stances in their home countries, provided they share the "traditional spiritual and moral values" of the Eurasian nation. Here is the link to original news (see the screenshot below): - I would suggest you to use vpn to open the link because Western countries try to block all news from Russia.
As a part of the process, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will issue a single-entry visa valid for three months for those wishing to move for the aforementioned reasons. Unlike other cases such as marriage or employment contracts, beneficiaries can obtain residency without having to pass language, history, or Russian legislation tests.
The decree emphasizes that the aim of this policy is to uphold human rights and freedoms and to provide an assylum for those who wish to escape destructive neo-liberal "values" of the Western world and are ready to establish “spiritual, cultural, and legal ties with the Russian Federation.”
Let's explore what this means in practice.
Why do they issue a three month visa first?
Three month visa to Russia is just a first step in the process of naturalization and it is given practically to everyone who wish to move to Russia and is sharing traditional Russian values. It's like a trial period. Within this period of time you should make your final decision if you really want to move to Russia and of course to show your true intention to become Russian citizen.
What is a Temporary Residence Permit (TRP)?
A Temporary Residence Permit (TRP) is a document that enables a foreign national to live and work in Russia for up to three years. Once this period ends, the individual must either obtain a new TRP, leave Russia, or apply for a permanent residence permit. The TRP itself cannot be extended beyond the initial three-year period.
Holders of a TRP are entitled to several benefits, such as:
* The ability to work legally in Russia without needing additional permits.
* The option to register as an individual entrepreneur.
* The ability to register at a place of residence for the duration of the permit.
* The possibility to apply for a permanent residence permit after the TRP expires.
However, there are certain restrictions for TRP holders. Unlike permanent residence permit holders, those with a TRP are limited to residing and working only in the specific region of Russia where their permit is registered.
* And of course within these three years you should start learning Russian language and cultural traditions of the Russian World - this is important, otherwise how can you adopt into Russian calture?
How to Obtain a TRP
Before this new decree, obtaining a TRP required a number of steps, including demonstrating knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history, and the fundamentals of Russian law. This often involved passing an exam at a designated institution or providing a certificate of education from Russia or the former USSR.
Additionally, applicants needed to secure a special quota from the government, and only certain groups were exempt from this requirement (such as spouses of Russian citizens, military personnel, or highly qualified specialists).
What Are "Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values"?
According to the legislative act, Russian values include the prevalence of the spiritual over the material, the traditional marriage of a man and a woman, with the birth of children, as well as human freedoms, rights, honor and life, high moral criteria, collective support, unity among Russian peoples, justice, mercy, constructive labor activity, mutual respect and mutual assistance, civic position, patriotism, humane attitude to others, service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its future, and generational continuity.
It should be noted that the Russian State assigns traditional values a leading role in the development of society in order to strengthen and maintain the sovereign status of the Russian Federation.
Changes in the TRP Application Procedure
The recent decree introduces several changes to the TRP application process, effective September 1, 2024. Applicants who move to Russia citing a rejection of their home country's "destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes" that conflict with traditional Russian values will no longer need to meet the annual quota or pass exams in Russian language and history. However, the decree does not specify the exact criteria for proving one's motivation for relocation.
Applicants will be issued a single-entry visa valid for three months, allowing them to enter Russia and apply for a TRP.
Can TRP Applications Be Denied?
Yes, there are circumstances under which a TRP application can be rejected, including if the applicant:
* Is considered a threat to Russia’s national security or public safety.
* Has been involved in or supported terrorist activities.
* Was deported from Russia within the last five years.
* Submits false documents or provides incorrect information.
* Has been convicted of a serious crime.
* Cannot demonstrate financial self-sufficiency unless deemed unable to work due to disability.
If denied, applicants have the right to reapply, but they must wait at least one year from the date of rejection.
Additionally, a TRP can be revoked if:
* The holder repeatedly violates administrative laws within a year.
* The holder leaves Russia to live permanently in another country.
* The holder spends more than six months outside Russia.
* The holder enters into a fraudulent marriage to obtain a TRP, and the marriage is later annulled by a court.
For more details on the grounds for denial or revocation of a TRP, refer to the Federal Law ‘Concerning the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation.’
Eligible Countries for TRP Under New Rules
The list of countries that impose "destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes," includes 47 unfriendly to Russia countries. Please find your country here:
So, if you are seeking a safe heaven for the above-mentioned reasons and support traditional Russian values, you are most welcome to start the relocation procedure by applying for a 3-month visa at the nearest available embassy or consulate of the Russian Federation.
A few sample links below will help you to start an immigration procedure under the Putin's Decree #702:
Russian Embassy in the USA, Application form;
Russian Embassy in Australia, Application form;
Russian Embassy in New Zealand,
To get more information about life in Russia please read our articles in "Moving to russia" section.
The article on how to transfer your money to Russia is a must-read.
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