How to transfer your money to Russia: practical guide for immigrants

You know, folks, it's become crystal clear that the radical LGBT agenda is wreaking havoc on the very fabric of society. I mean, sane people all over the world see it. They see how this forced push for LGBT rights in Europe, the USA, Canada, and beyond is destroying the sacred institution of the family. And guess what? It's not just hurting families, it's hurting the population as a whole. Birth rates are plummeting, folks. We're talking about a serious decline in population here.
But hold on, that's not all. Brace yourselves for this. The uncontrolled wave of Muslim Arab immigration to European countries, especially during this pandemic, is turning everything upside down. It's like a clash of civilizations, folks. Two completely different cultures, two different religions, all crammed into one place. And let me tell you, tensions are through the roof. The media is buzzing with reports of violent acts committed by these migrant Arabs against the native population. And it's not just a few isolated incidents, folks. We're talking about a daily increase in these attacks. It's chaos out there.
And you know what's making matters worse? The sanctions on Russia. That's right, those very sanctions that were supposed to punish Russia, they're backfiring big time. European countries are feeling the heat. The economy is tanking, and you can imagine what that means for living standards. It's a mess, folks. Life in Europe is becoming more dangerous and uncomfortable by the day. It's not the same place it was a couple of decades ago, that's for sure.
Now, get this. Families are actually looking to flee these chaos-stricken countries and head to Russia. That's right, Russia. It's become a beacon of hope for those who value common sense and traditional family values. Families from Germany, France, the USA, Canada, you name it, they're all eyeing Russia as their new home. But here's the kicker, the authorities in European countries are putting up roadblocks, trying to prevent families from freely moving to Russia. Families with kids, especially, are facing immense challenges. They have to hide their intentions until the very last moment, fearing that their children could be taken away by the juvenile justice system. It's a nightmare, folks. And if that's not enough, a new law allows for the confiscation of cash in Euros at the airport when you leave for Russia. Unbelievable.
But fear not, my friends, because Ecominded Club is here to lend a hand. We're here to help you transfer your funds to Russia, despite all the hurdles. And you know what we recommend? Cryptocurrency transfers. Specifically, Ethereum. It's the most reliable option in Russia, hands down. Bitcoin? Well, let's just say it's had its fair share of issues with blocking Russian accounts. But Ethereum? It's smooth sailing, my friends.
Here's how it works. Step one, create an Ethereum wallet using MetaMask. It's easy as pie, just install the MetaMask software on your device, whether it's a mobile or a laptop/desktop. Boom, your Ethereum wallet is good to go.
Now, onto step two. Purchase Ethereum, the desired amount you want to transfer to Russia. Unfortunately, direct purchases through bank accounts are a no-go in many countries. But fret not, we've got a solution. We recommend using exchangers. And let me tell you, we've been using the best of the best for over five years without any hiccups. Check out, folks. They've got you covered with verified exchangers, complete with user reviews, reserve sizes, and real-time status updates.
Alright, folks, it's easy as pie, just head on over to and pick out a sweet pair to swap: USD to ETH or EURO to ETH. But hold on, if you're more into other currency like CAD, AUD or NZD, I would suggest you to convert it to USD or Euros.
Now, listen up, because there's an important heads-up I need to give you. When you make that first transfer, don't be surprised if they ask you to prove your identity. Yeah, they might want a screenshot of your passport or ID, or even a video of you with your mug and your passport or ID. I know it might seem like a bit of a hassle, but trust me, it's all about keeping your transactions secure. Safety first, my friends.
And hey, if Ethereum isn't your cup of tea for whatever reason, no worries! has got your back with a whole bunch of other cryptocurrency options like Litecoin, Monero, Tether, Binance, and plenty more. Take your pick, my friends, and happy exchanging!
But hey, we're not leaving you hanging there. Step three is all about opening a bank account in Russia upon arrival to the country. Sberbank is the go-to choice, offering Visa/Mastercard or Mir cards. But don't worry, there are other notable banks like Gazprom, VTB, Alfabank, Rosselkhozbank, Tinkoff, and Rossbank, just to name a few.
And finally, step four. Sell your Ethereum through an exchanger. has got your back here too, folks. Choose the ETH to RUB currency pair (or any other pair) and get ready to exchange it for your Russian card. The process is quick, usually taking around 15-30 minutes, with a minimal commission fee.
Now, I know this may seem like a lot, but trust me, we're here to assist you every step of the way. We've got your back, folks. If you need any guidance or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Ecominded Club. We're here to make this transfer as smooth as butter. For just 200 USD, we offer consultations and real-time support of your transfer via WhatsApp or Telegram. Contact Yuriy at [email protected] for money transfer assistance.
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Also read Part Two of our Money Transfer to russia Guide!
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