How to use living bacteria (EM) as bio-fertilizer

Bio-fertilizer Baikal EM1 to grow heirloom plants
Effective Microorganisms (EM) are mixed cultures of beneficial naturally-occurring organisms that can be applied as inoculants to increase the microbial diversity of soil ecosystem. They consist mainly of the photosynthesizing bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes and fermenting fungi. These microorganisms are physiologically compatible with one another and can coexist in liquid culture. There is evidence that EM inoculation to the soil can improve the quality of soil, plant growth and yield (Kengo and Hui-lian, 2000).
According to the confirmed data, the use of Baikal EM-1 leads to a significant change in the microbiological composition of the soil and the improvement of its properties. Here is what happens:
• the growth and development of cultivated plants is accelerated;
• eliminates unpleasant odors that occur during the decomposition of organic matter, which allows the use of the tool in septic tanks;

• flowers bloom lush and brighter;
• significantly improves the taste of products;
• increasing the yield of the crop;
• shoots appear together and faster;
• significantly enhanced plant immunity, their ability to resist minor damage;
• plants tolerate dry periods more easily;
• soil fertility is restored and increased;
• the content of nitrates in the crop decreases, salts of heavy metals are neutralized.
Preparation recommendations - EM1 substratum.
1. Shake the bottle with EM1 concentrate carefully before use.
2. 40 ml of Baikal EM1 concentrate to be diluted in 4 liters of warm (26-30 °C), non-chlorinated, settled water.
3. Make a nutrient medium of the solution by adding 4 tablespoons of honey or 6 tablespoons of jam. Stir thoroughly.*
4. Cover the bowl with solution be a lid trying to leave as little air as possible under the lid.
5. Keep the substratum in a dark, warm (26-30 °C) place for 2-3 days.
6. After 2-3 days add another 4 tablespoons of honey or 6 tablespoons of jam and withstand for 2-3 days.*
During the fermentation there may be gassing and foaming, discoloration and slight precipitation.
* Important note: if you use EM-molasses (recommended!) instead of honey and jam, you add all 8 tablespoons of EM-molasses at once.
Ready made EM1 substratum is a yellow to brown colored liquid with a pleasant odor of lactic acid. Acidity of EM1 substratum (pH): 3.2-3.8.
EM1 substratum should be stored in a closed containers with no air access (like filled neckline plastic bottles with carefully twisted caps), in a cool and dark place. The shelf life of EM1 substratum - 12 months from the date of preparation.
Preparation recommendations - EM1 solution and EM1 compost.
To prepare EM1 solution for watering dissolve EM1 substratum in the ratio 1 : 1000 (2 caps, or 1 tablespoon for a bucket of water) and water the plants in the usual way - 1 time per week or more often.
To prepare EM1 compost:
1. Dissolve EM1 substratum in the ratio 1 : 100 (half a glass (100-120 ml) for a bucket of water)
2. Evenly moisten manure, sawdust, tops or any other organic matter with this solution;
3. Mix it thoroughly and cover with plastic wrap. In 2-3 weeks you can manure the near-roots zone. Important: do not apply fresh EM1 compost at the tree trunk zone.
Application recommendations.
1. Make the final product in deluted form (EM solution) every day - as much as you need for a day. The reason is that it is good for a 2-3 days only.
2. Spray the plants in the evening or on cloudy day as bacteria quickly die under the sun rays.
3. The soil where you spray Baikal EM1 solution should be wet and after that it is good to mulch it, with some straw, grass, hay etc. The matter is that bacteria work well only with organic material, the more organic the better they work.
The scientific research article below was published in Technology magazine in 2011.
Effective microorganism technology has been used in the fields of agriculture and forestry recently. This technology is totally natural and environmentally friendly. BAIKAL EM1, a product of this technology, includes the photosynthetic lactic bacteria, ferments and products that are formed by the metabolism activities of these ferments and bacteria (enzymes, vitamins etc.) This microbiological fertilizer has a positive effect in growing plants; to their development and metabolism.
Place an order for BAIKAL EM1 and other EM products here:
Place an order for BAIKAL EM1 and other EM products here:
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