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FLAP Kid, 3.5

  • Product Code: 435
  • Availability: 10

Elastic plate, with needles made of different metals that are necessary for the body: zinc, copper, iron, nickel, silver.
Step of needles 3.5 mm, size 36x84 mm,

It is applied at medical emergencies to relief of heart attacks, or bronchospasm.
It is best to apply on zones of compliance of palms and feet (Su-Jok therapy), it is convenient for long carrying at chronic pain syndromes.

"Needle Doctor" improves mood, sleep, balances metabolism, improves performance and vitality, promotes the elimination of sexual disorders, reduces recovery time after heavy operations, injuries of the spine and extremities, strokes. Effectively eliminates the pain. It should be remembered that the first pain reaction is replaced by a pleasant feeling of warmth, improves blood circulation, it has beneficial effect on the internal organs.

The effective action of the applicator is based not only on a simple mechanical treatment of the skin. Needles actively affect the reflex zones and acupuncture points. Applicator gives wonderful results thanks to the rise of the galvanic current, when the needle touches the skin, causing the effect of micro-electrophoresis. That way needed good vital metals penetrate to the body: iron, nickel, zinc, copper and silver.

Application: First 5 minutes of relatively uncomfortable stinging sensation from the effects of the applicator turn into a comfortable feeling with the emergence of a powerful heat pleasant "vibration", tingling. Subsequently, it may be a sense of total relaxation and sleepiness sometimes passing into a healthy, restful sleep.
• applicator exposure time for analgesic, tonic effect, to enhance performance (daytime) and debilitated patients and children - 5-15 minutes;
• To express the analgesic and hypnotic effect (evening) - for 20-25 minutes. Course duration is 1-3 weeks, and sometimes - 2-3 days.
Repeated course is possible after 1-3 weeks.

WARNING: After discomfort for 10-15 minutes applicator should be removed and used only after 5-10 hours or the next day, capturing a smaller area. Applicator should cause only a pleasant experience! Needle of the roller during contact with the skin don’t damage it. Applicator can be used at any age.

Important: please read this article for details, watch the videos and learn indications and contraindications for use of applicators!

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