Putin stops illegal logging in Russia
On September 30, 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a complete ban on the export of unprocessed coniferous and valuable hardwood timber from the country, starting January 1, 2022. This means that from January 2022, instead of exporting of large quantities of legally and illegally sourced unprocessed timber, Russia will completely switch to the export of processed lumber and products of wood.
The ban also means to increase the value-added in Russia’s domestic forest industry production. The President instructed to launch a program (started in January 2021) of subsidized loans for small and medium-sized businesses for upgrading of wood processing facilities.
Putin also spoke about the need to reform the forest management system as the basis for accounting, planning, inventory and assessment of forests, clearly delineating responsibility of federal, regional and local authorities. “Along with this, I propose to introduce a legal institution for administrative inspection of forest areas. Advanced, modern remote-sensing methods, unmanned aerial vehicles should be widely used here,” the head of state said.
In the regions, the president proposed to introduce the position of the chief federal state forest inspector.
Please read the original here: https://tass.com/economy/1206747
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