Black means Healthy!

There are foods we eat often, some we consume rarely, and others we avoid altogether. However, salt is the one exception. Could we, as humans, live without it? Perhaps for a while—but without salt, food quickly becomes bland and unappealing, much like life itself.
Yet while salt enhances flavor, excessive consumption can be harmful. Is there a reasonable compromise? Our ancestors believed so, and they discovered it long ago. In Russia, the recipe for black salt has been passed down through generations.
Its preparation was a complex process: ordinary salt was burned in a Russian stove with ingredients such as kvass mash, cabbage leaves, rye flour, and wild herbs. Because this method was time-consuming and labor-intensive, black salt was traditionally made just once a year, on the Thursday before Easter—known as "Clean Thursday." This special salt became known as Thursday salt. But why was it prepared specifically on Clean Thursday? Perhaps because this day was dedicated to purification—of the soul, the home, and even the food itself.
Today, some doctors refer to salt as the "white death." While our ancestors may not have used this term, they instinctively recognized its potential harm. By burning salt, they removed organic compounds and harmful substances like excessive chlorine—the very impurities that lead doctors to recommend limiting salt intake.
For a long time, the traditional method of making black salt was thought to be lost. However, it has been preserved in the Kostroma region of Russia.
Kostroma black salt is made using an age-old recipe, with rye flour as a key ingredient and classical production techniques carefully maintained. This natural, environmentally friendly product contains no synthetic additives and is rich in essential microelements such as potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iodine (I), and copper (Cu).
One of its key advantages is its high calcium content. During production, the use of rye flour and subsequent ashing naturally enrich the salt with calcium, a crucial mineral for strong bones and teeth. Calcium deficiency can lead to poor muscle and skeletal development, as well as a loss of a lean physique.
The burning process significantly reduces harmful impurities, making black salt a healthier alternative. It aids digestion, helps regulate water balance in the body, and contains fine carbon particles that assist in detoxification.
Because it is baked with rye flour, black salt has a fine, crumbly texture and is less prone to moisture absorption. With its unique taste, it serves as an excellent substitute for regular white salt in all types of dishes.
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