Body-oriented self-recovery techniques in practice

A brief backstory.
Back in 1996, I had a sciatic nerve inflammation, which put me to bed for a long time. For those who are not in the know, this is such a bad thing that causes terrible pain at the slightest movement. And it so happened that a well-known healer (a woman) who practices non-traditional methods of healing, visited our small town in the south of Russia. To my great regret, now I no longer remember her name. In Russia it was the time of "wild market" and "absolute freedom", when so-called "healers" multiplied like mushrooms, and most of them turned out to be charlatans. However, I heard a lot of good things about this woman-healer and I decided to take her healing practice.
She held the first session right at home, because it was difficult for me to move anywhere. It looked like this: I am lying in bed, on my back, music is playing, something neutral, relaxing, the healer is standing next to the bed, standing silently, saying nothing out loud, and at a certain moment my body begins to move spontaneously in a horizontal plane along the spine. The left half of the body makes a shift - it is extended as much as possible relative to the right half, then the left half returns to its original position and - the right half is extended. And again, left - right, left - right...
After a few minutes, the nature of the movements changes, the movements begin in the vertical plane, something like twists. The left half of the pelvic rises slightly and tends to move to the right. Then it returns to its original position and in the same way the right half of the pelvic rises and tends to move to the left. And again, left - right, left - right...
The work is done in the area where the sciatic nerve inflammation happened. It should be noted here that the sharp pain that bothered me with every careless movement becomes narcotized during the session, and quite tolerable, as if an anesthetic was injected, although, of course, no injections were given to me. At the same time, all movements are performed spontaneously, without the participation of my will and my consciousness. The session does not last long, about 20-25 minutes, and at the end of it I can already get up and walk several meters around the room on my own, wincing in pain, which, however, cannot be compared with the pain that was before the session.
Then I had 5 or 6 more sessions, already in the healer's office, where they brought me by car, but I already walked a few meters to the office and back quite independently. Two weeks later, when the pains became much duller and I could already walk fairly long distances, the sessions with the healer's participation were completed.
For the final recovery, the healer advised me to walk as much as possible, and also to conduct exactly the same sessions, but on my own. It took me about 2 more months to develop my leg and finally recover - with daily independent sessions. Following her recommendations, I turned on a pleasant music, lay on my back on a hard surface, relaxed my body and waited for the effect. And, what a miracle! - the body began to move on its own - in the same, familiar rhythm, shifts along the spine, twists in the area of the pelvic bones, etc. and so on. And, I must admit, the sensations during these sessions were very pleasant, especially after the sharp pains had gone. There was a complete feeling that the body simply rejoices at the opportunity to move in the rhythm it needs, and this gave extraordinary pleasure!
Period of experiments.
Having recovered from the illness, however, I did not stop the sessions that my body (and myself!) liked so much. In the beginning, I was just curious to practice this new and unusual phenomenon, trying to understand to what extent my body can be independent. Practicing in the supine position seemed somewhat trivial to me, so I decided to try it in stading position. At that time I started running in the mornings at the school stadium nearby. One day, after jogging, I took off my shoes, and, standing barefoot on the grass, relaxed my body as much as possible, turned off my consciousness and brought up the state that was familiar to me from the previous sessions. Imagine my surprise when I felt that my body completely voluntarily, without participation of my consciousness, began to make certain movements!
Of course, this process was somewhat different from the session in the lying position. It is obvious that it is impossible to fully relax in a standing position, certain muscles must work to keep the body upright. And here my experience in auto-training and the ability to feel my body came in very handy. In addition, if in the lying position the nature of the movements was significantly limited in the horizontal plane (2D), then in the standing position it was as if another dimension was added (3D) and as a result my arms and legs took the most active part in the process. The whole session in a standing position, as a rule, took no more than 5 minutes, which, however, is quite understandable, as the body in general was healthy.
Encouraged by the first success, I began to practice self-healing sessions in a standing position almost every day. After some time, I noticed that most of the movements are regularly repeated, for example, twisting, stretching the whole body into a string, and at the end of the session, the hands go around the body in a complete circle, ending down at the feet - as if they outline the boundaries of the body aura, maintaining a certain balance. Although sometimes there were new type of movements. What exactly determines the nature of the movements was a complete mystery to me at that time. I just watched from the outside and enjoyed the process itself. And, I have to admit, it was very pleasant sensation every time during the session. And in the end, I felt a surge of vitality, increased energy, as if I had just had a good rest.
Later, for several years in various situations, I practiced these self-healing technique from time to time and experimented with this state in a standing position. Each time I got similar and yet slightly different results in terms of the nature of the movements. At the same time, at the end of the session, there was always a feeling of vitality and an increased energy. Analyzing my state and the nature of spontaneous body movements during the session, I noticed that they depend on my thoughts, or, in other words, on the initial settings that I give to my body before the session. As a result, this led to creation of the unique self-healing tehchnique, which I am bringing to your attention below.
Body self-healing technique in practice.
First of all, I would like to emphasize that practicing body self-healing technique would be much easier for those who have mastered auto-training technique, or have practiced any type of meditations, affirmations, mantras or have completed any type of Self-restoration, self-development courses. If you do not have any experience in body relaxation and tracking the state of your body from outside, then you have to learn it. The fact is that the ability to feel your body and follow its desires is a key point of the body self-healing technique.
Analyzing the results of my experiments, I came to the conclusion that our body is quite "Smart", it knows exactly where and in which order it should make certain movements in order to heal itself, and what's even more important - not to harm itself! You just need to let your body make these movements. And the main condition to start this process is that you must feel your body in order to allow it to make the movements necessary for self-healing.
A bit of theory. It is well known that our backspine, this central core of the body through the nervous system is connected with almost all internal organs. A healthy spine is the key to the health of the entire organism. And vice versa - the problems with any internal organs are reflected in the backspine. Accordingly, by acting on the spine in a certain way, it is possible to restore and heal the internal organs of a person. A chiropractor, if he/she is a real professional with "feeling" hands, works in this direction - by acting on the spine, he/she initiates the healing processes of internal organs.
In our case, everything is much simpler and more complicated at the same time. It is easier because we do not have to know in advance which movements are necessary to initiate the process of self-healing. We initially trust our smart body, and let it decide for itself what movements need to be made. The difficulty here is to fully relax, turn off your mind, feel your body and allow it to move as your body wants, not your "Self". During the process your consciousness, your "Self" is like separated from your body and observes from the outside what is happening, without interfering with the process of self-healing itself.
I recommend starting this practice in a lying position, on a firm but comfortable enough surface. For the best effect, you can turn on the music, I recommend Alpha Rhythm (here is the link:, however you can use any other music pleasant and comfortable to you (not the hard-rock, of course!). If you have any problems with the spine, joints or internal organs, then you mentally give your body the installation to work with exactly the area where healing is required. If you have no health problems, then you can give a general strengthening installation, for example - restore the balance of energies. You should start by calming down your thoughts and relaxing your body as much as possible. To do this, you can use the auto-training technique or any other relaxation techniques known to you - through mantras, affirmations, meditations, etc. And don't forget to stay positive! In a complete relaxation state your "Self", your consciousness is like separated from your body, as if you are watching from the outside what is happening with your body, without trying to influence this process.
Next comes a very important part. Being in a state of a complete relaxation, as an outside observer, you need to feel in which direction your body wants to move. And let it move in the right direction. This state is difficult to describe in words. You must feel the slightest movement at the very beginning, and allow it to happen. I emphasize once again - in no case should you control the movements of your body consciously, your consciousness, your "Self" plays the role of an outside observer and does not interfere in the process of self-healing.
There is a very thin edge between conscious control and unconscious body movements. Your task is to learn how to feel this edge. From my personal experience, in a state of complete relaxation, when your consciousness "leaves" the body and observes micro-movements from outside, it will feel them as "allusions to the movement" that your body is trying to make. These micro-movements are so insignificant that a person standing nearby may not notice anything at all. But for your "Self" in the state of an outside observer, these micro-movements are quite obvious. The micro-movements may be sensed very dfferent, for example, your palms, are trying to start moving in several directions, up and down, right and left, forward and backward, and in many other variants of these directions. As a rule, in the process of these micro-movements, in each of these directions, you feel some kind of resistance of the environment - in all directions but one! And only in this single, unique direction, your body begins to move easily and freely, and you do not feel any resistance.
It is precisely this moment of movement without the slightest resistance that you must, as an outside observer, firstly, sense it, secondly, distinguish it from all the others, and thirdly, allow this movement to continue and complete - in the direction your body wants. Please forgive my wordiness, it took you at least a minute to read this passage, but in practice the whole process takes a fraction of a second. Generally speaking, trying to describe this state is a thankless job and is something like trying to describe a Samadhi state - you can read dozens of books about Samadhi, and yet, until you experience it yourself, you will not understand what it is, since everyone has their own path which may be completely different from the others. Anyway, only by feeling the moment of movement without the slightest resistance, you start the process of self-healing. The algorithm remains the same - out of all the micro-movements, your outside observer chooses the only one where you don't feel any resistance, and then you just let the movement complete. And so on, movement - after movement.
After a while, you feel that the micro-movements and any other movements of the body end, your body seems to calm down completely. You feel that your body no longer wants to move anywhere. This means that the self-healing process is completed. You can get up and continue your daily activities.
This self-healing technique is absolutely unique. Never before meeting this woman healer, or in subsequent years, I have not seen or heard or read anything like this among non-traditional healing methods. After searching in the Internet, I came to the conclusion that the closest to this technique is "Body Oriented Therapy", based on body movements and recognition of the wisdom of our body. Although this therapy is just one of the tools of psychologists and psychotherapists to remove various psychological complexes, clamps and blocks.
In conclusion, I want to note that this self-healing technique is applicable for self-healing of most diseases of the spine, joints and internal organs. If you have a practical interest or just love to learn new things, I will be happy to offer i training courses for ndividuals and groups on Body Self-healing Technique. In these courses, I will teach you to control your thoughts, feel your body and start the process of self-healing and restoring the balance of energies. Please write Yury at [email protected] I will be happy to help!
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Written by Yury Smirnov, March 2023 [email protected] - please share as much as possible!